Tag Archives: stretches

rain rain go away

So I was all dressed in my running clothes (my one outfit I have for the task) and by the time my hub got home it was black out and since we live in the sticks I was not about to venture out because I am a wimp….and it is hard to carry my gun in running clothes. I did do some stretches that I found for runners and a little kickboxing so that putting a sports bra on was not a complete waste at least. The stretching felt amazing and I will most definitely be doing them before & after every run from here on out.

I did get a prize though… the hub brought me home a tiny little iPod nano 🙂  I spent the evening adding all my music & getting it all set up. I am super happy that it just clips on & I can go… however it does not have my running app to track my pace & distance so I am little torn. There is a pedometer on it that I think will do basically the same stuff other than keep me on a timed routine but I would much rather take the tiny nano than my big ol droid.

I sincerely hope that the rain lets up long enough at some point this afternoon AND that the hub is home so that I can go do this. I am so ready for day 2!